As the world becomes increasingly connected, and the options for employees to work from home continue to increase, it gets harder and harder for people to maintain a comfortable work life balance. This is not because employers are encouraging that more work be completed over longer hours, simply, the shift has happened on its own due to the accessibility of information and communication.
You may have noticed this with your employees, or you have likely even noticed it happening to yourself! After all, when email is on your phone it makes it hard to stay away, whether you are on your morning commute or even when you are supposed to be on vacation. And though there is much discussion around the importance of maintaining work life balance, there is little that companies seem to be doing to enforce it, which is a shame.
However, these efforts, or lack of efforts, are not because there are no solutions. On the contrary, there are definitely steps that can be taken to better respect the work life balance, and help employees love life again.
Not Just the Managers’ Responsibility
However, before you blame yourself for your employees’ lack of work life balance, take a deep breath. There are many factors that are playing a role in aiding these circumstances. Most of all, the working world has simply reached this place out of ongoing and unchecked habits.
Sure, managers might encourage their employees to stay away from work-related activities—even something as simple as catching up on emails—while they are out of the office. But it seems these recommendations are not enough. Some employees will claim that checking their email while on vacation makes it easier for them to return to the office, as they don’t feel so behind and, therefore, so stressed upon returning.
Other employees might even have a sense of guilt by “turning completely off” or simply spend some time every evening just going over things out of habit. These behaviors are common, and in an increasingly connected world, they are simply becoming the norm for many individuals, which should not be the case. Not only should employees be able to confidently maintain a work life balance, but they should be able to do so and feel good about it.
Think of it this way—if an employee feels guilty about missing out on work-related items, then they might not be enjoying themselves in their time off. The goal is to not only respect the work life balance, but also find the joy in those life moments. Not working shouldn’t just be the time between work hours, it should be your time to do whatever you want, and more importantly, enjoy it.
This situation has gone beyond employers putting incentives in place or managers encouraging that their employees turn off their work when they are outside of work hours. Luckily, there are work life balance speakers to not only stress the importance of taking time away from work, but also enjoying these moments, which is, after all, the point.
Work Life Balance Speakers
Work life balance speakers just have a way of hitting the message home. They can deliver the right approach to an audience in a way that is accessible but also authoritative. And when it comes to speakers, it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Work life balance speakers come in all forms. Specifically, they tend to focus on various factors, such as wellbeing or burnout or healthcare. Since work life balance is a concern that impacts such a diverse group of people (everyone!), then there should be a speaker for every occasion.
And though the list goes on and on for the various topics that motivational speakers will cover, there are certainly avenues that are more popular than others, and have a tendency to reach the widest audience. Some of those examples are listed here:
- Life Balance Speakers
At eSpeakers, we boast a massive selection of life balance speakers, and each one has a specificity, which means some are likely to identify with you more than others. For instance, some of our speakers have extensive careers as keynote speakers, leading large banquet rooms or conferences in healthy discussion. While there are others who are comedians and want to remind their audience that laughing is not only appropriate for having a good time, it is also essential.
Additionally, though these speakers tout the importance of work life balance, don’t think they all speak to the individual only. On the contrary, some speakers will incorporate team building exercises, which can help ease the stress while in the office and allow each member to have a better relationship with their coworkers.

This strengthening of relationships also brings respect to the workplace, but respect extends into the home life as well. These types of team building and respect exercises remind the team that if an individual is taking the time off of work, or it is after work hours, it isn’t that individual’s responsibility only to avoid work emails or calls, but the rest of the team’s responsibility as well. This means not reaching out to that person or sharing information with that person until they return.
Like all the speaking topics on this list, there is much more to consider and take advantage of. Check out our full list of life balance speakers here.
- Wellbeing Speakers
From doctors to mental health experts to musicians, there are all sorts of approaches to wellbeing. The biggest takeaway you will find with all of these speakers—you need to do what is right for you. Many of these speakers will say that your dream is built moment by moment, and that expecting success instantly is not a realistic goal. Further, this thinking can cause such things as burnout and stress.
Wellbeing speakers will help you (and your audience) find a calmer approach to life. Too many people complain that with so many technologies and tasks, they seem to be doing more but achieving less. This is a common problem when it comes to trying to achieve a work life balance. The answer is not doing as much as you can during the day so your night is free, but rather, better managing your workload so you don’t spend your day or your night overly rushed and stressed.

A popular goal of a wellbeing speaker is to inspire better approaches to keeping your energy up and your stress down. And this doesn’t always mean hiring a speaker for the sake of your employees. Sometimes management needs this kind of inspiration as well. After all, leading by example is a sure-fire way to make the point stick.
Check out our full list of wellbeing speakers here.
- Corporate Speakers
It is sometimes easy to lose sight of work life balance at a corporation, especially if it is a large corporation. Sure, there might be policies in place that seek to prevent this, but it is more difficult for management to keep an eye on everyone’s productivity, or rather, their hours of production and communication. But this type of policy encouragement isn’t limited to compliance (though compliance is incredibly important) but also innovation.
If there are work life balance policies in place that aren’t working, then enforcing them does no employee any good. Nor does it do management any good for that matter. Instead, let a speaker motivate you and your workforce to be innovative and implement measures that are sure to keep stress down, productivity up, and employees and management happy and full of joy when they are on their own time.

Also, when employees enjoy their lives and are happy with their work life balance, a company is more likely to have a high retention rate. And when a company has a high retention rate, by default, it is easier for a company to recruit new employees, since new employees are attracted to a place where the workforce is happy and willing to stick around.
Find a corporate speaker that will inspire you and your company to better encourage a work life balance, and keep your company on the right track. Check our full list of corporate speakers here.
- Burnout Speakers
Burnout is real, but even more than that, it is seemingly becoming more common. With more and more companies having difficulties with their retention efforts, these businesses need to find ways to keep employees happy. And the best way to keep employees happy (though it might seem obvious) is to implement measures to make sure they are happy!
Some speakers motivate through humor, while others rely on storytelling to share real-life examples of how burnout has been overcome in the past. Other speakers might incorporate scientific methodology to break down the importance of taking back your weekends. All in all, the goal is the same, to inspire teams to implement creative strategies to help avoid burnout.

And this means not waiting until burnout has arrived at the door. If an employee is having a difficult time maintaining their work life balance, whether because of their personal habits or because of company policy, then they are surely on the way to experiencing burnout. Get ahead of this by bringing in a burnout speaker who can motivate you and your staff to take the proper steps to staying happy and productive.
Avoid burnout by finding a burnout speaker that makes sense for your organization. Check out our full list of burnout speakers here.
- Healthcare Speakers
There is no question that healthcare plays a significant role in work life balance, as the situation can introduce a great deal of stress and anxiety into a person’s life. And when an individual is already overworked (or feeling overworked) and having difficulty managing this level of stress, they are likely not taking care of other aspects of their life either. This chain of events can lead to further problems, and create a habitual lifestyle that is not healthy or happy for the individual.
Healthcare speakers can motivate you to take control of your life and restore positivity and happiness. There is no doubt that a person who is taking care of their physical and mental health feels more in control, and this control is important when maintaining a work life balance. And staying healthy means having more energy, which will make you more productive in the workplace.
Lack of energy and dragging at work leads to things not getting done, which leads to employees needing to stay late, arrive early, or work over the weekend to keep up. Additionally, this cycle leads to further tiredness. Brining in a healthcare speaker can put this more accurate and fundamental thinking into your mind, and into the mind of the entire organization. It will inspire you to be healthier and give you the power to make choices to stay that way.
Check out the full list of healthcare speakers here.
So Much More
When it comes to work life balance, there are many circumstances that can play a role. For this reason, there is a wide range of solutions. And yet, you need to find the solution that is right for you, and that means finding the speaker that meets the needs of your employees.
You know your group, and you know what type of speaking voice would do them the most good. Do your employees need some humor in their lives? Or perhaps your employees like real-life experiences and learn the best from fact-based storytelling. On the other hand, your employees might want a firm voice that booms and gives them an inspirational kick. Whatever the need, eSpeakers boasts an unbeatable variety of motivational speakers that rise to any occasion.
Additionally, we can put you in touch with a wide selection of work life balance speakers who can communicate virtually. Again, we live in a changing world, and just because you don’t have office space or the resources to book a conference room or venue shouldn’t mean your employees can’t get the motivation they need.
What Sets eSpeakers Apart
We have 21 years of industry experience and partnerships with all the major speaker associations all over the world. We are also the only platform that allows you to look and book entirely online. So look through our online directory (which is the largest in the world) of professional speakers, trainers, authors, consultants, and coaches to find a work life balance speaker that meets the needs of your company or event.
The only way to have a productive workforce is to ensure they have a proper work life balance, and that they are happy and enjoying their lives. Don’t hesitate. Find a speaker today.